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Our History

At Executive Landscaping we use common sense, hard work and modern methods to provide comprehensive landscaping services throughout greater Connecticut. Whether it’s a busy cityscape or a quiet suburb, we recognize that your property is special. At Executive, we design, create and maintain a unique environment that reflects your image, your vision and your pocketbook.


At Executive, lawn care is more than just cutting the grass. We provide comprehensive care throughout the growing cycle. First, we analyze the factors that are essential for a healthy lawn: soil, sunlight and drainage. Then we prepare the site using the natural contours of the property. We have the right equipment and expertise to do the job.


We test soil in order to balance and monitor the nutrients. Whether putting in a new lawn or renovating an existing, we use seed or sod that is appropriate for your property, taking into account any trees or structures that affect sunlight. We also initiate an environmentally-sensitive program of weed and pest control and use non-invasive techniques whenever possible.


We choose ornamental shrubbery and trees that are both practical and attractive. They can provide character and privacy for your home or establish a desirable sense of professionalism for your commercial or corporate property.


First we select nursery-grown specimens that are healthy and pest-resistant. Then we provide a regular program of deep-root feeding and seasonal pruning throughout the growing cycle. We design and install ornamental beds that will complement your home throughout the years rather than overwhelm it.


We’re environmentally-conscious and we’re seasoned professionals. We use the latest techniques along with an old-fashioned eye for detail. 

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